EZ MOD Program

The EZ MOD program ships custom reservoir configurations based on our most popular catalog reservoirs within two weeks from receipt of order.



Catalog Reservoirs Available In EZ MOD Program

  1. Style A, JIC Type Reservoirs: 20 thru 60 gal, select EZ TEMPLATE STYLE A from the EZ MOD Template page


Eligibility for EZ MOD Program

  1. Product can be made from a catalog reservoir available in the EZ MOD program
  2. All custom modifications and quantities are available options given on the specification template


How Does the EZ MOD program work?

  1. A drawing, specification template is available to download
  • Templates are provided for each reservoir series currently available for the EZ MOD program
  • Standard accessories associated with the parent catalog reservoir are provided for the custom reservoir unless changed on the specification
  • All available feature options that qualify for the EZ MOD program are listed on the template
  • The instruction sheet titled, EZ MOD Template Instructions for Custom Reservoirs, provides information on how to document custom reservoir specifications on the template
  1. RFQ submission
  • Scan the completed EZ MOD template and submit the template with the RFQ
  • RFQ receipt with the reservoir specification documented on the template, streamlines the RFQ into the EZ MOD quote process
  • LDI verifies the RFQ qualifies for the EZ MOD program and responds with a quote
  • Eligible RFQs will automatically enter into the EZ MOD program
  • Custom reservoirs in the EZ MOD program are assigned part numbers with the prefix “EZ”
  • Incomplete templates that qualify for the EZ MOD program, will be assigned quoted lead times that exceed two weeks.
  1. Order submission: Send orders to Sales@LDI-Industries.com
  • When applicable, update reservoir specification template and resubmit with PO to minimize lead times in excess of two weeks


LDI - Corporate  Click for map LDI   Click for map
Precision Machining & Assembly Fabrication & Assembly
1864 Nagle Ave. 12901 Jim Dhamer Dr.
Manitowoc, WI  54220 Huntley, IL  60142
PH: 920.682.6877                         
FAX: 920.684.7210                         



Our talented team of degreed and professionally certified Engineers, Quality Assurance, Production and Customer Service staff have many years of experience in the industry.  Their attention to detail and ability to collaborate with our clients to solve their problems is reflected in the 50+ years we have been in business.


Customer Service: 

920.682.6877, option 4

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