Catalog Reservoirs Available In EZ MOD Program
- Style A, JIC Type Reservoirs: 20 thru 60 gal, select EZ TEMPLATE STYLE A from the EZ MOD Template page
Eligibility for EZ MOD Program
- Product can be made from a catalog reservoir available in the EZ MOD program
- All custom modifications and quantities are available options given on the specification template
How Does the EZ MOD program work?
- A drawing, specification template is available to download
- Templates are provided for each reservoir series currently available for the EZ MOD program
- Standard accessories associated with the parent catalog reservoir are provided for the custom reservoir unless changed on the specification
- All available feature options that qualify for the EZ MOD program are listed on the template
- The instruction sheet titled, EZ MOD Template Instructions for Custom Reservoirs, provides information on how to document custom reservoir specifications on the template
- RFQ submission
- Scan the completed EZ MOD template and submit the template with the RFQ
- RFQ receipt with the reservoir specification documented on the template, streamlines the RFQ into the EZ MOD quote process
- LDI verifies the RFQ qualifies for the EZ MOD program and responds with a quote
- Eligible RFQs will automatically enter into the EZ MOD program
- Custom reservoirs in the EZ MOD program are assigned part numbers with the prefix “EZ”
- Incomplete templates that qualify for the EZ MOD program, will be assigned quoted lead times that exceed two weeks.
- Order submission: Send orders to
- When applicable, update reservoir specification template and resubmit with PO to minimize lead times in excess of two weeks